The comparative analysis of existing ways of prognosis of the complicated development of the acute pancreatitis is made, the modern way of prognosis with use of artificial neural networks (ANN) is described in this article. By results of research, accuracy of results at artificial neural modeling makes 90%, specificity - 96%. Method allows improving degree of accuracy of the prognosis. ANN optimizes early diagnostics infected pancreatic necrosis and help to choose adequate medical tactics.
About the Authors
A. A. LitvinBelarus
O. G. Jarikov
G. A. Senchuk
L. A. Mauda Shadi
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For citations:
Litvin A.A., Jarikov O.G., Senchuk G.A., Mauda Shadi L.A. OPPORTUNITIES OF PROGNOSIS OF INFECTED PANCREATIC NECROSIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(2):7-14. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2007-4-2-1