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The urgency of ulcerative colitis is caused not only by high and increasing morbidity level which affects able-bodied citizens and brings huge material damage to society, but also unpredicted progressing course, complicated diagnostic and choice of treatment. Earlier detection of organic pathology of the intestine reduces expenses for treatment, decreases the number of complicated and neglected cases, improves life span and quality of life of patients. Yet, majority of the available methods of ulcerative colitis detection have certain disadvantages, the main of which are absence of simple, effective and economically beneficial methods allowing to define this pathology at earlier stage of its development and therefore improving efficiency of therapy, reducing the number of complications and increasing life span of patients. Investigation of clinical application of fecal calprotectin as of a non-invasive marker of ulcerative colitis has identified that marker possesses high sensitivity and relatively low specificity, and is more precise indicator of an inflammatory process than ESR ad S-reactive protein. The level of fecal calprotectin correlates with the activity of the ulcerative colitis and is the reliable indicator of the inflammatory process stage.

About the Authors

E. I. Mikhailova
Gomel State Medical University

V. S. Krot
Gomel State Medical University

N. V. Filipenko
Gomel State Medical University

N. V. Vasilevich
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Mikhailova E.I., Krot V.S., Filipenko N.V., Vasilevich N.V. FECAL CALPROTECTIN IN NON-INVASIVE DIAGNOSTIC OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(1):98-103. (In Russ.)

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