We investigated somatic, obstetrical and gynecological anamnesis, current of pregnancy and labour, morphological features of a placenta at 50 women with hypoplasia of a placenta. It is established that women with hypoplasia of placenta were ill with chronic inflammatory diseases of a urogenital system (chronic pielonephritis, adneksitis) more often, pregnancy proceeds with the miscarriage and chronic insufficiency of a placenta. Morphological changes characterize infringements of development of a placenta, features of insufficiency of a placenta.
About the Authors
I. F. KrotBelarus
E. I. Baranouskaya
T. V. Demidova
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For citations:
Krot I.F., Baranouskaya E.I., Demidova T.V. CHRONIC UROGENITAL PATHOLOGY IN WOMEN WITH PLACENTAL HYPOPLASIA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(1):61-66. (In Russ.)