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Oxidative burst in red blood cells under the action of «NaNO2+H2O2» system


The conditions of development of impetuous oxidative stress in red blood cells (oxidative outburst) caused by red blood cell interaction with reagents of system «NaNO2+H2O2» with hemoglobin participation were studied. The avalanche accumulation of reactive species such as ferryhemoglobin, nitrogen dioxide, and peroxynitrite in the reaction of hemoglobin with reagent of the system «NaNO2+H2O2» was revealed at reagent concentration higher than 500 mМ. The intracellular acidosis down to pH 6,5 which accompanies the cellular oxidation stress activates the reactive species production in the hemoglobin reactions. Hypothesis of positive feedback presence in the mechanism of oxidative stress development with hemeprotein participation in cells was advanced.

About the Authors

M. N. Starodubtseva
Gomel State Medical University

S. N. Cherenkevich
Belarus State University


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For citations:

Starodubtseva M.N., Cherenkevich S.N. Oxidative burst in red blood cells under the action of «NaNO2+H2O2» system. Health and Ecology Issues. 2005;(4):94-99. (In Russ.)

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