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The choice of modern methods for processing digital and text data in the field of medicine, particularly in lens pathology and aphakia


This article provides key data on potential use of artificial intelligence in cataract surgery. The analysis is based on more than 150 sources published over the last 10 years, related to cataract surgery and the use of artificial intelligence in medicine, particularly in the surgery of aphakia. Scientific and medical databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Springer, and were used. A total of 25 articles were selected for in-depth study.

About the Authors

V. L. Krasilnikova
Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel Belarusian State Medical University

Viktoria L. Krasilnikova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology


O. N. Dudich
Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Healthcare Personnel Belarusian State Medical University

Oksana N. Dudich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology


S. M. Gridjushko
Gomel Regional Specialized Clinical Hospital

Sergey M. Gridjushko, Ophthalmologist at the Department of Eye Microsurgery No. 2



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For citations:

Krasilnikova V.L., Dudich O.N., Gridjushko S.M. The choice of modern methods for processing digital and text data in the field of medicine, particularly in lens pathology and aphakia. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(4):167-174. (In Russ.)

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