Risk factors and evaluation of vulnerability to tuberculosis in women of reproductive age
Object. To evaluate risk criteria of respiratory tuberculosis (TB) in women of reproductive age.
Materials and methods. We studied 260 cases of respiratory TB in women of reproductive age (aged 18–45). We investigated epidemic, medical, social, and additional risk factors. Using multinominal logistic regression, we found coefficients for risk factors and logistic regression formula. The threshold for coefficient total was determined by ROC-analysis. The model was tested on a random group (47 vs 35 women with and without TB respectively).
Results. Additional to epidemic, medical, social risk factors the most significant criteria for women of reproductive age are body mass index lower than 20, inter-birth interval shorter than 2 years, TB in the family history, and progesterone insufficiency. Using the model of logistic regression women with vs without TB were recognized with sensitivity 82,9% and specificity 77,1%.
Conclusion. The comprehensive evaluation of epidemic, medical, social, and additional risk factors will help to detect high vulnerability of women of reproductive age to TB. Creating of target groups will contribute to early diagnosis of TB during pregnancy and after the childbirth.
About the Author
S. V. GoponiakoBelarus
Svetlana V. Goponiako, Senior Lecturer at the Phthisiopulmonology Department with the course of Advanced Training and Retraining,
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For citations:
Goponiako S.V. Risk factors and evaluation of vulnerability to tuberculosis in women of reproductive age. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(3):94-98. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2024-21-3-13