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Chemical and natural substances for protection against radiation


Priority research in the field of radiation biology and medicine remains the search for new effective anti-radiation substances, since the protection of the human population from radiation damage is one of the issues of state security. The first medicament preparations obtained from classes of aminothiols and indolylamines can reduce primary radical processes and are used as preventive agents. Natural polyphenol substances, which are used in the clinic to improve the recovery of patients after radiation therapy, were obtained to block the formation of secondary radicals of biological molecules in the body after irradiation. Subsequently, with the discovery of intercellular regulators – cytokines, it became possible to develop effective therapeutic regimens to stimulate critical systems of the body in the treatment of radiation sickness. In Russia, the first anti-radiation drug based on the recombinant cytokine interleukin-1 was recently developed. The required chemically stable and easy to use anti-radiation agent can be created on the basis of DNA. Laboratory studies have shown that the introduction of exogenous DNA into the body after irradiation increases its survival by creating conditions for proper DNA repair in cells of critical tissues. This allows us to consider the DNA substance very promising for the development on its basis of a new anti-radiation drug.

About the Authors

A. V. Litvinchuk
Gomel State Medical University

Alexandra V. Litvinchuk, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Biological Chemistry


O. S. Logvinovich
Gomel State Medical University

Olga S. Logvinovich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry


A. O. Shpankov
Military and Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus

Alexander O. Shpankov, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service, Deputy Head of the Military and Medical Directorate


O. V. Dokhov
Gomel State Medical University

Oleg V. Dokhov, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service, Deputy Head of the Military Department


N. S. Myshkavets
Gomel State Medical University

Nadeja S. Myshkavets, Lecturer at the Department of Biological Chemistry


E. M. Belous
Gomel State Medical University

Ekaterina M. Belous, Lecturer at the Department of Biological Chemistry



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For citations:

Litvinchuk A.V., Logvinovich O.S., Shpankov A.O., Dokhov O.V., Myshkavets N.S., Belous E.M. Chemical and natural substances for protection against radiation. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(4):16-25. (In Russ.)

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