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Unity of criteria of antioxidant status before treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss


Objective. To determine and establish the unity of some indices of antioxidant status before treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss.

Materials and methods. The present study included 267 patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss of varying severity, as well as 20 practically healthy volunteers. On the day of admission to the hospital, blood for the study of key indicators of the antioxidant system: nitrate (NO3 - ) and nitrite ions (NO2 - ), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (Cat) and glutathione reductase (GR) was collected from the patients before treatment.

Results. Depending on the severity of liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss, patients showed a decrease in the concentration of NO3 - , NO2 - , SOD, Cat, and increase in the concentration of GR, which is a redox adaptation, and indicates the development of oxidative stress and its manifestations: multiorgan failure syndrome.

Conclusion. Interpretation of the formative unity of antioxidant well-being criteria: NO3 - , NO2 - , SOD, Cat and GR is a key indicator in the complex assessment of the extent of pathophysiological reactions of oxidative stress initiation in patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss.

About the Authors

D. A. Evseenko
Gomel State Medical University

Dmitry A. Evseenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at thе Department of Surgical Diseases No2


Z. A. Dundarov
Gomel State Medical University

Zalimhan A. Dundarov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No2


N. V. Chueshova
Institute of Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Natallya V. Chueshova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Sustainability of Biological Systems


V. M. Schemelev
Institute of Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vladislav M. Schemelev, Researcher at the Laboratory ofSustainability of Biological Systems


E. А. Shchurova
Institute of Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Elena A. Shchurova, Researcher at the Laboratory of Sustainability of Biological Systems



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For citations:

Evseenko D.A., Dundarov Z.A., Chueshova N.V., Schemelev V.M., Shchurova E.А. Unity of criteria of antioxidant status before treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and acute blood loss. Health and Ecology Issues. 2024;21(4):37-44. (In Russ.)

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