Monitoring of antibiotic resistance in problem microorganisms in patients with purulent wounds
Objective: to study changes in the resistance of problem microorganisms to antibacterial drugs in patients with purulent wounds. Material and methods. On the basis of a bacteriological laboratory, within 2006-2007 and 2019-2020, 92 and 99 patients with purulent wounds of various locations, respectively, were examined by the standard bacteriological methods. Results. For the past 13 years, significant changes have occurred in the etiological structure of gram-negative problem microorganisms in patients with purulent wounds. Reliably significant increases were found in the share of K. pneumoniae - about 8 times, and A. baumannii - about 9 times. However, the proportion of MRSA has not changed. The most effective drugs for MRSA were vancomycin, linezolid, tigecycline - 0 % of resistant isolates; for K. pneumoniae - colistin (0 %), tigecycline (8.33 %); for P. aeruginosа - colistin (0 %), doripenem (45.45 %); for A. baumannii - ampicillin + sulbactam (0 %), colistin (0 %). Conclusions. For infections caused by MRSA , glycopeptides (vancomycin) should be recommended as the drug-of-choice, and the reserve drugs - oxazolidinones (linezolid) and glycylcyclins (tigecycline); K. pneumoniae - colistin and tigecycline; P. aeruginosa - carbapenems (doripenem) and colistin; A.baumannii - penicillins or cephalosporins with sulbactam (ampicillin + sulbactam) and colistin.
About the Authors
S. D. FedyaninBelarus
Sergei D. Fedyanin — Assistant lecturer at the Department of Hospital Surgery of the EE «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University»
V. K. Okulich
Vitaly K. Okulich — Assistant lecturer at the Department of Clinical Microbiology of the EE «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University»
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For citations:
Fedyanin S.D., Okulich V.K. Monitoring of antibiotic resistance in problem microorganisms in patients with purulent wounds. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(3):69-74. (In Russ.)