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Institute of surrogacy in modern society. Part 1


Objective: to define the concept and essence of surrogacy, to study the history of its origin and approaches to solution of fertility problems with its help in different countries of the world, to analyze the attitude of modern generation to surrogacy. Material and methods. To achieve the above objective, various literary sources were analyzed. Also, a sociological survey of 60 students of Gomel State Medical University was conducted. Results. The performed analysis has found historical regularities of the use of surrogacy aimed at procreation since ancient times up till now. The retrospective statistical data of primary and secondary infertility in the world have been given. The modern possibilities of assisted reproductive technologies making it possible for childless families to have their own children have been described. The sociological survey has revealed that most boys and girls - 90 % are «for» using assisted reproductive technologies, and also the majority of the respondents think that it is acceptable to bring up a surrogate child by a single woman (85 %) or man (73 %). However, only 47 % of the respondents agree with the fact that a surrogate child may be raised by homosexual parents. Conclusion. Female and male infertility is a problem that is topical worldwide. Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology which in many cases is the only option for people to have their genetic children. In modern society, surrogacy is used by single women and men, including homosexuals. The attitude of modern generation to this fact is positive in most cases.

About the Authors

E. V. Chechenkova
Gomel State Medical University

Elena V. Chechenkova — Assistant lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»;


A. I. Zaryankina
Gomel State Medical University

Alla I. Zariankina — Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»


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For citations:

Chechenkova E.V., Zaryankina A.I. Institute of surrogacy in modern society. Part 1. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(3):5-11. (In Russ.)

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