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Monotherapy or complex treatment? Tactics of managing patients with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia


Objective. To compare 2 treatment tactics: complex and monotherapy in outpatient practice of patients with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Materials and methods. The study included patients diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease who received monotherapy with memantine and patients who received complex treatment (nootropics, vasodilators) of the disease, with MMSE scores from 3 to 23 points and a clock drawing test from 0 up to 9 points.
Results. In the study group, the majority were women. Almost half of the patients had a disability group. Patients and their relatives had the best compliance where complex therapy of the disease was prescribed.
Conclusion. There is a lack of alertness in the development of dementia among the population - this leads to its late detection and refusal of treatment at the initial stage. There were no statistically significant differences in complex or monotheraputic treatment. The use of tuning to one or a group of drugs in choosing a strategy for the treatment of dementia helps to maintain compliance between the patient’s doctor and his relatives.

About the Authors

Y. Y. Bazan
Brest regional psyhoneurological dispensary

Yulia Yu. Bazan, intern psychiatrist-narcologist


N. V. Hmara
Gomel State Medical University

Natalia V. Hmara, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychiatry


K. V. Nikanchuk
Brest regional psyhoneurological dispensary

Krystsina V. Nikanchuk, psychiatrist-narcologist, deputy chief physician for medical affairs



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For citations:

Bazan Y.Y., Hmara N.V., Nikanchuk K.V. Monotherapy or complex treatment? Tactics of managing patients with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Health and Ecology Issues. 2022;19(3):52-57. (In Russ.)

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