Peroxynitrite (ONOO" and HOONO) is an important intermediate in processes with simultaneous generation O2- and NO. Peroxynitrite ability to efficiently modify molecule structure is due to free radical formation (OH, CO3-, NO2) in its reactions. In an organism the peroxynitrite plays a dual role: positive (the participation in cellular immunity processes, and in the regulation of the activity of cell signal transduction enzymes) and negative (the participation in the development of cell and tissue oxidative stress). Cytotoxic and cytoprotective effects of peroxynitrite are considered on the models of myocardial ischaemia" reperfusion.
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For citations:
Стародубцева М.Н. DUAL ROLE OF PEROXYNITRITE IN ORGANISM. Health and Ecology Issues. 2004;(1):35-41. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2004-1-1-6