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Objective: to analyze cases of childhood tuberculosis in Gomel region over the last 12 years. Material and methods. We have conducted a retrospective study of tuberculosis cases in children aged 1-14 over the period 2006-2017. Results. The ratio of childhood tuberculosis was 0.7% (0.5-0.8) among all new cases of the disease. A high level of microbiological confirmation of tuberculosis (26.7%, 16.0-39.6) was observed. Contact with a tuberculosis patients was found in 53.3% (40-66.3). The Mantoux test remains relevant in the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis (the size of the papule is 12.3 ± 4.8 mm). More than a third of the sick children were in a socially dangerous situation. HIV-associated tuberculosis in the children was 18.3%. Most of those children lived in families being in contact with tuberculosis patients. Conclusion. A low rate of childhood tuberculosis has been recorded in the region. A high incidence rate of tuberculosis in children in contact with tuberculosis patients indicates a low grade of measures against the exposure to tuberculosis infection. The prevention and detection of tuberculosis among HIV-positive children are a topical issue.

About the Authors

I. V. Buinevich
Gomel State Medical University

Zh. E. Sverzh
Gomel State Medical University

V. A. Gorbacheva
Gomel Regional Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital

S. V. Butko
Gomel Regional Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Buinevich I.V., Sverzh Zh.E., Gorbacheva V.A., Butko S.V. CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS IN GOMELREGION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(1):67-70. (In Russ.)

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