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Objective: assessment of the contribution of genetic determinants to the formation of pathogenetic and clinical phenotypes of bronchial asthma as well as their association with the response to the therapy. Material and methods. Polymerase chain reaction, restriction analysis, electrophoretic detection, analysis of anamnesis and clinical data, statistical method. Results. Statistically significant (p <0.05) differences have been found between the control group and the group of patients with therapy-resistant asthma in the incidence rate of genotype CC and TT (MDR1 gene rs1045642). No significant differences have been revealed in the incidence of all the genotypes of the genes ADRB2 (rs1042713) and IL-13 (rs20541) between the control group and the group of patients with controlled asthma, and between the groups of patients with therapy-resistant and controlled asthma. Conclusion. The association of the genotype СС rs1045642 of the MDR1 gene has been shown with the necessity for higher doses of inhaled glucocorticosteroids alone or in combination with systemic glucocorticosteroids.

About the Authors

E. V. Voropaev
Gomel State Medical University

D. Yu. Ruzanov
Gomel State Medical University

O. V. Osipkina
Gomel State Medical University

V. A. Shtanze
Gomel State Medical University

T. V. Perevolotskaya
All-Russia Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology

A. N. Perevolotskiy
All-Russia Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology

A. S. Shaforost
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Voropaev E.V., Ruzanov D.Yu., Osipkina O.V., Shtanze V.A., Perevolotskaya T.V., Perevolotskiy A.N., Shaforost A.S. ASSOCIATION OF POLYMORPHISM OF MDR1, ADRB2AND IL-13 GENES WITH DEVELOPMENTOF THERAPY-RESISTANT BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(1):50-56. (In Russ.)

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