To the 100th anniversary of the Medical Faculty of Belarusian State University (1921–2021)
Objective. To study the process of formation of the Medical Faculty of Belarusian State University in the early 1920s.
Materials and methods. Archival, periodical and narrative sources processed by general scientific and special historical research methods.
Results. The emergency of a higher medical education in Belarus became possible only after the solid establishment of Soviet power in its territory. Political and ideological components played a significant role in the processes of the selection of future doctors and their education, but at the same time, democratic elements of self-government were implemented along with the formation of the Medical Faculty.
Conclusion. Despite the successful experience of organizing the Medical Faculty of Belarusian State University, a small number of graduates in the 1920s and the general lack of doctors in the BSSR predetermined the need for its reorganization into an self-administered academic institution– Minsk Medical Institute.
About the Authors
M. P. KapliyevaBelarus
Marina P. Kapliyeva, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at Department of Internal Diseases No. 1 with the course of Endocrinology
A. A. Kaplyev
Alexey A. Kaplyev, PhD (History), senior research associate at the Department of Modern History of Belarus
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For citations:
Kapliyeva M.P., Kaplyev A.A. To the 100th anniversary of the Medical Faculty of Belarusian State University (1921–2021). Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(4):136-142. (In Russ.)