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Thermal skin burn in a late gestation period in experimental animals: state of the system “mother-fetus”


Objective. To study the effect of thermal skin burns in experimental animals (rats) on the state of the system “mother-fetus” in a late gestation period.

Materials and methods. An experimental study was carried out on 18 female outbred white rats weighing 300–350 g (per 9 rats in the control and experimental groups), which were exposed to third-degree thermal burns with an area of 12 cм2 in a late gestation period. The oxygen transport function and the main blood biochemical markers were studied. The effect of thermal injury on the course of pregnancy was studied.

Results. The thermal skin burn in the rats in the late gestation period leads to the development of hypoxia, a decrease in the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen and metabolic acidosis in the mother’s body. Changes in the blood biochemical markers indicate the presence of endogenous intoxication. In the experimental animal group, a decrease in fetal weight was observed, an increase in the post-implantation fetal death rate was noted.

Conclusion. Impaired oxygen homeostasis and endogenous intoxication in skin burns in rats in late gestation periods lead to fetal malnutrition and a qualitative increase in the post-implantation fetal death rate.

About the Authors

T. V. Kovalchuk-Bolbatun
Grodno State Medical University

Tatsiana V. Kovalchuk-Bolbatun, post-graduate student at the Second Department of Surgical Diseases


S. M. Smotryn
Grodno State Medical University

Siarhei M. Smotryn, DMedSc, Professor, Professor at the Second Department of Surgical Diseases



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For citations:

Kovalchuk-Bolbatun T.V., Smotryn S.M. Thermal skin burn in a late gestation period in experimental animals: state of the system “mother-fetus”. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(4):114-120. (In Russ.)

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