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Assessment of the microbial status of internal environment objects in second cleanliness class health care facilities


Objective. To assess internal environment objects ofsecond cleanliness class health care facilities according to microbiological standards.

Materials and methods. The methods of swabbing, direct seeding, membrane filtration and instrumental aspiration were used for sampling. The microbial status was analyzed by cultural and biochemical methods on nutrient, differential and diagnostic media with species identification using the microbiological analyzer. The phenotypic features were studied in vitro by the standard biochemical and microbiological methods in accordance with the principles of good laboratory practice.

Results. The microbiological testing of indoor air and internal environment objects of second cleanliness class health care facilities (dental offices) was done to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbiota. As a result of the taxonomic identification, it has been found that the most common representatives of the air microbiota are Staphylococcus, Micrococcus and Kocuria bacteria, which are true residents of the human dermis.

Conclusion. The obtained data provide material for the study of the phenomenon of the modification of phenotypic properties and its use at the stages of hazard detection and profiling and for the minimization of uncertainty within the concept of microbial risk analysis.

About the Authors

A. I. Zhabrouskaya
Scientific and Practical Centre of Hygiene

Anastasia I. Zhabrouskaya, biologist at the Microbiology Laboratory


O. A. Emeliyanova
Scientific and Practical Centre of Hygiene

Olga A. Emeliyanova, PhD (Biol), senior researcher at the Microbiology Laboratory


N. V. Dudchik
Scientific and Practical Centre of Hygiene

Natallia V. Dudchik, DBiolSc, Associate professor, Head of the Microbiology Laboratory



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For citations:

Zhabrouskaya A.I., Emeliyanova O.A., Dudchik N.V. Assessment of the microbial status of internal environment objects in second cleanliness class health care facilities. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(4):93-98. (In Russ.)

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