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THE Role of neuropeptides in the Pathogenesis of LIGAMENTO- and tendinopathies and their possible impact on TYPE of sonographic PATTERN


Objective: to assess (according to the literature data) the role of neuropeptides in the pathogenesis of ligamento- and tendinopathies as well as their possible impact on formation of an abnormal sonographic pattern. Material and methods. Analysis of publications containing information about histopathology and radiation semiotics of injuries of ligaments and tendons which are stored in PubMed resources and the Russian news portal eLIBRARY.RU. Results. The possible role of neuropeptides in formation of changes that may be revealed by imaging methods in ligamento- and tendinopathies has been defined. Conclusion. It is rational to study the role of neuropeptides in the pathogenesis of ligamento- and tendinopathies in the future in order to clarify their role in the formation and dynamics of changes revealed by imaging methods.

About the Author

A. M. Yurkovskiy
omel State Medical University


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For citations:

Yurkovskiy A.M. THE Role of neuropeptides in the Pathogenesis of LIGAMENTO- and tendinopathies and their possible impact on TYPE of sonographic PATTERN. Health and Ecology Issues. 2018;(1):4-7. (In Russ.)

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