Somatotypical features of the age dynamics of secondary sexual characteristics and functional parameters in city schoolchildren
Objective: to assess the constitutional features of the age dynamics of secondary sexual characteristics and functional parameters of city schoolchildren in the age range of 7–17 years.
Materials and methods. The objects of the study were schoolchildren aged 7–17. The stages of the expression of secondary sexual characteristics were determined visually according to the scheme by J.M. Tanner. The functional parameters of the examined schoolchildren were assessed using the methods of dynamometry, spirometry; blood pressure and heart rates, as well as the time of simple sensorimotor reactions were measured.
Results. As a result of the performed studies, it has been found that representatives of the hypersomnic types are ahead of other types to reveal the first stages of secondary sexual characteristics. Schoolchildren with the leptosomic morphotypes due to higher rates of their development have reached the definitive stages by the same age as those with the hypersomnic variants. The intensity of age-related changes in functional parameters (strength qualities, circulatory and respiratory systems, nervous system) in the studied objects depends on their body type.
Conclusion. The stage and rate of puberty, as well as the development of functional parameters in city schoolchildren depends on their somatotype.
For citations:
Melnik V.A. Somatotypical features of the age dynamics of secondary sexual characteristics and functional parameters in city schoolchildren. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(2):113-118. (In Russ.)