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Preoperative mechanical large bowel preparation in colorectal cancer surgery


Objective: to analyze literature data on the effectiveness of preoperative mechanical bowel preparation (MBP), and on the basis of our own data to perform a comparative analysis of immediate MBP results in patients operated on right-sided colon cancer.

Materials and methods. We reviewed literature data relevant to the use of MBP and performed a retrospective analysis of the immediate results of surgical interventions on right-sided colon cancer in 349 patients having undergone MBP with polyethylene glycol (PEG) compounds (n = 186) and without the use of PEG (n = 163).

Results. The incidence rates of complications in the patients of groups I and II were 6.7 % and 9.8 % (P>0.05), anastomotic leak rates were 0.6 % and 1.6 % (P>0.05), postoperative death rates — 1.2 % and 1.6 % (P>0.05), the average durations of the postoperative period were 14.9 and 12.1 days, respectively (P>0.05).

Conclusion. The use of preoperative MBP with PEG compounds does not result in enhancing the immediate results of the surgical treatment of patients with right-sided cancer.

About the Authors

A. P. Dyatlov
Gomel State Medical University; Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Center

Alexandr P. Dyatlov, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Oncology, Gomel State Medical University; surgical oncologist at the Abdominal Oncology Ward of Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Center


I. V. Mikhailov
Gomel State Medical University

Igor` V. Mikhailov, PhD (Med), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oncology


V. A. Kudryashov
Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Center

Vadim A. Kudryashov, Head of the Abdominal Oncology Ward


K. A. Gned`ko
Gomel State Medical University

Kseniya A. Gned`ko, six-year student



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For citations:

Dyatlov A.P., Mikhailov I.V., Kudryashov V.A., Gned`ko K.A. Preoperative mechanical large bowel preparation in colorectal cancer surgery. Health and Ecology Issues. 2021;18(2):25-32. (In Russ.)

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