Analysis of the demographic situation in Gomel region (2008–2019)
Objective: to analyze the medical and demographic indicators in Gomel Region between 2008 to 2019 in dynamics.
Material and methods. The source of initial information was the materials of the annual reports of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2008 to 2019. The calculation and assessment of the demographic indicators were made according to the generally accepted method. The 95 % probability of differences (α = 0.05) was considered to be statistically significant.
Results. The performed analysis has showed that an unfavorable demographic situation still persists in Gomel Region. Thus, the average population in 2019 decreased by 5.8 thousand people compared to 2008 and made up 1409.9 thousand people. The number of urban dwellers in the region made up 1095.4 thousand people and increased by 0.5 thousand people, the rural population decreased by 6.3 thousand people and made up 315.5 thousand people. The share of the rural population in the total population of the region is currently 23.3 %. On the whole, there is a negative natural increase. The natural decline remains stable and long-term, and in the year of 2019 it was — 3.8 ‰. The general mortality rate increased by 3.8 %, and the birth rate decreased by 4.9% compared to the previous year. The mortality rate among the working-age population remains high. The study has found the stabilization and even a decrease of child and infant mortalities over the past years.
Conclusion. The analysis of the demographic processes in Gomel Region between 2008 and 2019 indicates their direct and significant negative impact on the population size and its age and sex structure. This tendency is not temporary, as it is associated with the current historical process. The number of residents in the region is constantly decreasing, which is mainly related to the stable natural decline. Taking into account the current demographic crisis not only in Gomel Region but also in other regions of the Republic of Belarus, health promotion and enhancement among the population should be the most important priorities of the state policy.
About the Authors
A. M. OstrovskyBelarus
Artsiom M. Ostrovsky — Master of Medical Science, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Health and Health with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining of the educational institution «Gomel State Medical University»
I. N. Koliada
Inna N. Koliada — Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health and Health with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining of the educational institution «Gomel
State Medical University»
T. M. Sharshakova
Tamara M. Sharshakova — Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Care with the course of the Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining of the educational institution «Gomel State Medical University»
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For citations:
Ostrovsky A.M., Koliada I.N., Sharshakova T.M. Analysis of the demographic situation in Gomel region (2008–2019). Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(4):114–121. (In Russ.)