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Assessment of the quality of a binary classifier in research


The article deals with the basic principles of the assessment of the quality of a binary classifier using the potential of the ROC analysis and describes a ROC analysis algorithm and the interpretation of the obtained results. The work discusses the methodology for the calculation of the main parameters of the ROC curve, as well as the instructions for the assessment of their statistical significance.

About the Authors

A. A. Kovalev
Gomel State Medical University

Aleksey A. Kovalev — Head of the Sector of Operational Maintenance and Repair of Equipment of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»

B. K. Kuznetsov
Gomel State Medical University

Boris K. Kuznetsov — Candidate of Biological Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Medical and Biological Physics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»

A. A. Yadchenko
Gomel State Medical University

Aleksey A. Yadchenko — Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor at the Department of Medical and Biological Physics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»

V. A. Ignatenko
Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Valeriy A. Ignatenko — Candidate of Biological Science, Head of the Branch Laboratory for Monitoring the Nutritional (Micronutrient) Status of the Population and Development of Technologies for Its Correction Using Functional Products and Biologically Active Supplements, SE «Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»


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For citations:

Kovalev A.A., Kuznetsov B.K., Yadchenko A.A., Ignatenko V.A. Assessment of the quality of a binary classifier in research. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(4):105–113. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)