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Surgical anatomy of anastomoses of the umbilical artery


Objective: to identify the variants of the development of anastomoses and their number in the umbilical artery.

Material and methods. 206 dead bodies of men (22–82 years of age) and 113 dead bodies of women (32–93 years of age) who had died of causes not related to pelvic pathology were used as the material for the study. The preparation method, vascular injection method, and statistical method were used to achieve the objective.

Results. It has been established that the anastomoses of the umbilical artery in both the men and women are most often found in the proximal third of the artery, significantly more rarely — in its middle third. We have determined no linear correlation between the sizes of the diameters of the umbilical artery and the sizes of the diameters of its arterial anastomoses on both the sides of the pelvic cavity in the females and on the right side in the males but have found such a correlation on the left side in the males.

Conclusion. The performed study has demonstrated that anastomoses of the umbilical artery in males and in females have a definite pattern of their origination.

About the Author

A. V. Kuzmenko
Gomel State Medical University

Alexander V. Kuzmenko — Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Human Anatomy of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»


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For citations:

Kuzmenko A.V. Surgical anatomy of anastomoses of the umbilical artery. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(4):51–56. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)