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Effectiveness of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment for atopic pathology in children


Objective: to study the effectiveness of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment foratopic pathology in children.

Material and methods. 224 children with allergic diseases were prescribed to take montelucast for 3– 6 months.

Results. Taking montelucast has lead to positive clinical dynamics in 75 % of the cases.A significant reduction of the eosinophil count was achieved on days 10–15 of the therapy. The Cys-LTC4/D4/E4 indices came to normal after a one-month course of montelucast therapy in 40.3 % of cases in children with bronchial asthma, in 63.3 % of cases in children with allergic rhinitis and in 60.5 % of cases in children with atopic dermatitis.

Conclusions. The use of montelucast has significantly enhanced the control incidencerate ofallergic diseases in children.

About the Authors

A. I. Zariankina
Gomel State Medical University

Alla I. Zariankina — Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»

M. Kh. Mirrakhimova
Tashkent Medical Academy

Maktuba KH. Mirrakhimova — Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatric Diseases-1, Tashkent Medical Academy

E. R. Shamsieva
Tashkent Medical Academy

Eleonora R. Shamsieva — Candidate of Medical Science, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pediatric Diseases1, Tashkent Medical Academy


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For citations:

Zariankina A.I., Mirrakhimova M.Kh., Shamsieva E.R. Effectiveness of leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment for atopic pathology in children. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(4):38–42. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)