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Objective: to study the practice of domiciliary consumption and awareness about antimicrobial drugs (AMDs) among different population groups. Material and methods .The study of the practice of drug consumption and awareness about AMDs was conducted using the method of questioning: 433 people (respondents with higher medical and non-medical education, medical and non-medical students, schoolchildren) were questioned. The differences in the groups were assessed using the criterion χ2, χ2 with Yeats' correction. To assess the revealed dependence between the features, we also used the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (Rs). Results. We noted a widespread use of AMDs by the population. 85.3% of the respondents acknowledged the presence of AMDs in their home medicine chests at the moment of the questioning, most often they were semisynthetic aminopenicillins. From 17.0% respondents in the group of schoolchildren up to 47.6% respondents of the group of medical specialists (of medical prevention and medical prevention profiles) noted facts of taking AMDs without doctor’s prescription. Most often the respondents take AMDs when their body temperature increases above 38°C (from 23.8 to 56.7% respondents), and in acute respiratory infections (from 2.4 to 31.6% respondents). In general, students use AMDs more often than specialists with higher education, and the schoolchildren’s answers are similar to the answers of the specialists (i.e. potential parents). Medical students are a group of people with the highest awareness and demonstrate a responsible attitude to the AMD consumption. On the contrary, non-medical students demonstrate a behavior predisposing to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the lowest awareness about AMDs. The respondents without medical education bringing upchildren under 18 showed statistically significantly more rational practice of the AMD consumption than the respondents without children. Conclusions. In general, trends of domiciliary AMD consumption and the level of awareness about AMR of the population of the Republic of Belarus are consistent with the results of large-scale WHO studies. The revealed different levels of awareness about the rational practice of domiciliary AMD consumption actualize the necessity for wide informational and educational work aimed at the prevention of AMR development.

About the Authors

A. N. Volchenko
Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

M. A. Belkina
Gomel Regional Specialized Clinical Hospital

S. A. Tatevosyan
Belarusian State Medical University

V. S. Loyko
Belarusian State Medical University

T. S. Lankevic
Belarusian State Medical University


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For citations:

Volchenko A.N., Belkina M.A., Tatevosyan S.A., Loyko V.S., Lankevic T.S. DOMICILIARY ANTIMICROBIAL DRUG CONSUMPTION BY DIFFERENT POPULATION GROUPS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(4):68-74. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)