Ключевые слова
Об авторах
Э. Н. ПлатошкинБеларусь
А. В. Воропаева
Е. В. Бредихина
А. Д. Борсук
В. Д. Войтович
Список литературы
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6. Long-term follow-up study of gastric adenoma /dysplasia. / H. Yamada[et al.] // Endoscopy. - 2004. -Vol. 36. - P. 390-396.
7. Helicobacter pylori infection,serum pepsinogen level and gastric cancer: a case-control study in Japan / H. Fukuda [et al.] // Jpn. J. Cancer Res. - 1995. -Vol. 86. - P. 64-71.
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9. Manegement of precancerous conditions and lesions in stomach (MAPS): guideline from the European Society of Gastroinyestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), European Helicobacter Study Group (EHSG), European Society of Patology (ESP), and the Sociedade Portuguesa de EndoscopiaDigestiva (SPED) / M. Dinis-Ribeiro [et al.] // Endoscopy. - 2012. - Vol. 44. - P. 74-94.
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12. OLGA staging for gastritis: a tutorial / M. Rugge [et al.] // Dig Liver Dis. - 2008. - Vol. 40. - P. 650.
13. Helicobacter pylori - a conundrum of genetic diversity / D. G. Marshall[et al.]// Microbiology. - 1988. - Vol.144. - P. 2925-2939.
14. European multicentre survey of in vitro antimicrobial resistance in Helicobacter pylori / Y. Glupczynski[et al.]// Eur J ClinMicrobiol Infect Dis. - 2001. - Vol.20. - P. 820-823.
15. Sipponen, P.Atrophic chronic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia in gastric cancer: comparison with a representative population sample /P. Sipponen, M. Kekki, M. Siurali // Cancer. - Vol.52. - P. 1062-1068.
Для цитирования:
Платошкин Э.Н., Воропаева А.В., Бредихина Е.В., Борсук А.Д., Войтович В.Д. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ДИАГНОСТИКИ И ЛЕЧЕНИЯ ПРЕДОПУХОЛЕВЫХ СОСТОЯНИЙ И ПРОФИЛАКТИКИ РАКА ЖЕЛУДКА. Проблемы здоровья и экологии. 2017;(4):45-49. https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2017-14-4-9
For citation:
Platoshkin E.N., Voropayeva A.V., Bredikhina E.V., Borsuk A.D., Voytovich V.D. MODERN TECHNIQUES OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF PRECANCEROUS CONDITIONS AND PREVENTIONOF GASTRIC CANCER. Health and Ecology Issues. 2017;(4):45-49. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.51523/2708-6011.2017-14-4-9