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Application of Video-EEG Monitoring in a Baby with a Paroxysmal Condition


Objective: to justify the application of video-EEG monitoring in babies with paroxysmal conditions based on the description of a clinical case of a paroxysmal condition in an 11-monthold baby.

Material and methods. The 11-monthold patient Ilya K. having a paroxysmal condition of unknown etiology was directed to be examined at the Neurological Ward of Gomel Regional Children`s Clinical Hospital. According to the data of video-EEG monitoring prescribed to the patient to clarify the nature of the paroxysmal events, the child had had an attack that had occurred suddenly and had been accompanied by impaired consciousness.

Results. Based on the description of the clinical case of the baby examined on the subject of convulsive syndrome of unspecified genesis, the application of video-EEG monitoring has been proved to be as a highly informative and high-tech method for the diagnosis of paroxysmal conditions in pediatrics and pediatric neurology, which makes it possible to make differential diagnosis of seizures in children, thereby verifying the diagnosis.

Conclusion. The diagnosis of paroxysmal conditions in children remains a difficult task for pediatric neurologists and pediatricians and requires an integrated approach, in-depth examination of patients with the application of modern neuroimaging functional methods for the examination of the brain, and video-EEG monitoring can be fundamental in the diagnosis verification. It is necessary to widely introduce this research method in medicine, in particular in functional diagnostics in pediatrics and pediatric neurology, which will help optimize approaches in the diagnosis and management of patients with paroxysmal conditions. The application of video-EEG monitoring will allow to make high quality diagnosis of the disease, and therefore contribute to the rational choice of therapy, including the timely and adequate prescription of antiepileptic therapy.

About the Authors

N. A. Skuratova
Gomel State Medical University

Skuratova N.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics of the EI «Gomel State Medical University»

D. A. Pobedin
Gomel State Medical University

Pobedin D.A., 5-year student of group 502 of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics of the EI "Gomel State Medical University"

M. A. Siz
Gomel Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

Siz M.A, doctor of functional diagnostics, Gomel Regional Children's Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Skuratova N.A., Pobedin D.A., Siz M.A. Application of Video-EEG Monitoring in a Baby with a Paroxysmal Condition. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(1):88-93. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)