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The Effect of Emotional Responses on Heart Rate Variability as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease


Objective: to identify clinically significant functional interactions between the autonomic nervous system and personal emotional sphere.

Material and methods. 105 patients with cardiovascular diseases were examined. Using a clinical role-playing game, the states of the psycho-emotional arousal of modalities: «anger», «fear», «sadness», and «joy» with some intervals of relaxation between them were successively induced in the patients, and the intensity of the psycho-emotional arousal was also recorded. At the same time, the parameters of heart rate variability were registered using the KP-01 Holter monitoring system. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the presence of a high direct relationship between the recorded indicators.

Results. It has been found that a high direct relationship (rs[9] = 0.70, p = 0.018) of the power spectral density in the low frequency range, the total index of autonomic disequilibrium, and the intensity of emotional responses is associated with a 3-4 risk of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease , cardiosclerosis, chronic heart failure.

Conclusion. The presence of these correlations is associated with cardiovascular disease and is an independent risk factor for its development.

About the Author

P. S. Lapanov
Institution “Rechitsa Boarding School for Disabled Children with Psychophysical Development Disorders”

Lapanov P.S., psychiatrist-narcologist of the institution “Rechitsa Boarding School for Disabled Children with Psychophysical Development Disorders”


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For citations:

Lapanov P.S. The Effect of Emotional Responses on Heart Rate Variability as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(1):71-76. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)