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Effectiveness of Palliative Care in Patients with Malignant Neoplasms of II and IV Clinical Groups


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of palliative care in patients with malignant neoplasms of II and IV clinical groups in terms of the changes of the quality of life indicators regardless of the stage of the development of the disease and the degree of its malignancy.

Material and methods. 61 patients of the Palliative Care Ward suffering from malignant neoplasms of II and IV clinical groups were examined at the beginning (day 2) and at the end of the treatment course (day 14). The patients' psychoemotional condition, characteristics of pain syndrome and clinical mobility were analyzed. The effectiveness of the palliative care course was evaluated using the standardized questionnaires and scales: visual-analog pain scale, DN4, Pain Detect, Rivermid Mobility Index, Beck Depression Inventory, Spielberger-Hanin Anxiety Scale (assessment of situational and personal anxiety). The Garkawi Adaptation Intensity Index was used to calculate the body's reactivity to the disease at the beginning and upon completion of the palliative care course. The Calf-Caliph leukocyte index was calculated twice to assess the dynamics of endogenous intoxication.

Results. The course of the inpatient palliative treatment has showed its effectiveness by improving the category of clinical mobility on the Rivermid scale and the psychological condition of the patients with malignant neoplasms of II and IV clinical groups: there was a decrease in anxiety and depression, some decrease in the degree of pain syndrome. The Garkawi and Calf-Caliph indices were not effective tools for the assessment of the short treatment course.

Conclusion. Inpatient palliative care for patients with malignant neoplasms of II clinical group reduces undesirable effects of radical treatment, thus improving the quality of life, and it relieves the suffering in the patients of IV clinical group in whom the application of radical methods is not possible.

About the Authors

G. E. Litvinov
Gomel State Medical University

Litvinov G.E., assistant lecturer at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the courses of Medical Rehabilitation and Psychiatry of the EI “Gomel State Medical University”

N. N. Usova
Gomel State Medical University

Usova N.N., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with the courses of Medical Rehabilitation and Psychiatry of the EI “Gomel State Medical University”

N. L. Ksenzov
Gomel City Clinical Hospital No

Ksenzov N.L., oncologist, Head of the Palliative Care Ward of the SHI “Gomel City Clinical Hospital No.4”

A. P. Voronina
Gomel State Medical University

Voronina A.P., clinical resident of the EI “Gomel State Medical University”

O. S. Pukhovich
Gomel State Medical University

Pukhovich O.S., clinical resident of the EI “Gomel State Medical University”


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For citations:

Litvinov G.E., Usova N.N., Ksenzov N.L., Voronina A.P., Pukhovich O.S. Effectiveness of Palliative Care in Patients with Malignant Neoplasms of II and IV Clinical Groups. Health and Ecology Issues. 2020;(1):50-58. (In Russ.)

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