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Objective: to assess the 24 hours fluctuations of blood pressure in school age children by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring Material and methods. 45 children of school age were examined. Daily blood pressure monitoring was performed in the hospital using the device Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Holter ABPM50. Results. Among the surveyed children normal circadian index had only two patients (1.28 and 1.32 i.u.). The remaining patients had rigid circadian rate (less than 1.2 i.u.), which may indicate the presence of vegetopathology and violation of both afferent and efferent chains of vagosympatic regulation of heart rate, the phenomenon of «denervated» heart

About the Authors

D. Yu. Nechytailo
Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine Department of pediatrics, neonatology and perinatal medicine

Yu. N. Nechytailo
Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine Department of pediatrics, neonatology and perinatal medicine

N. I. Kovtyuk
Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine Department of pediatrics, neonatology and perinatal medicine


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For citations:

Nechytailo D.Yu., Nechytailo Yu.N., Kovtyuk N.I. BLOOD PRESSURE IN SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN DEPENDING ON CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2016;(3):56-59. (In Russ.)

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