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OBSTETRICAL HEMATOMAS (clinical lecture, part I)


The clinical lecture deals with topical emergency problem in obstetrical practice, i.e. hematomas of soft tissues of the birth canal. The first part of the lecture presents modern data on the epidemiology and etiopathogenesis, classification approaches, clinical manifestations, modern facilities for diagnosis and treatment of obstetrical hematomas of different localization. The second part of the lecture will describe and analyze clinical cases of hematomas of the birth canal that occurred at maternity hospitals of Gomel region, as well as rare cases of obstetric hematomas according to foreign publications. The third part of the lecture will present data on health status of children whose mothers developed obstetrical hematomas during their delivery.

About the Author

O. A. Teslova
Department of Health of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee


1. Kovo, M. Broad ligament hematoma following a normal vaginal delivery / M. Kovo, I. Eshed, G. Malinger // Gynecol Surg. - 2006. - Vol. 3. - P. 138-140.

2. Diagnosis and Management of Puerperal Hematomas: Two Cases / J-C. Gentric [et al.] // Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. - 2013. - Vol. 36 (4). - P. 1174-1176.

3. Puerperal Hematoma Combined with Retroperitoneal Dissection and Obstructive Uropathy / W-H. Chang [et al.] // J Med Sci. - 2008. - Vol. 28. - P. 81-84.

4. Ridgway, L. E. Puerperal emergency: vaginal and vulvar hematomas / L. E. Ridgway // Obstet Gynecol Clinics N. America. - 1995. - Vol. 22 (2). - P. 275-282.

5. Dutta, D. C. Textbook of Obstetrics / D. C. Dutta. - New Central Book Agency. - 2001. - 670 p.

6. Ghirardini, G. Use of Balloon Tamponade in Management of Severe Vaginal Postpartum Hemorrhage and Vaginal Hematoma: A Case Series / G. Ghirardini, C. Alboni, M. Mabrouk // Gynecol. Obstet Invest. - 2012. - Vol. 74 (4). - P. 320-323.

7. Vulvar and vaginal hematomas: a retrospective study of conservative versus operative management / G. Benrubi [et al.] // South Med Journ. - 1987. - Vol. 80 (8). - P. 991-994.

8. Zahn, C. M. Vulvovaginal hematomas complicating delivery: rationale for drainage of the hematoma cavity / C. M. Zahn, G. D. V. Hankins, E. R. Yeomans // Journ. Reprod Medic Obstet Gynecol. - 1996. - Vol. 41 (8). - P. 569-574.

9. Williams Obstetrics: 23rd Edition / F. G. Cunningham [et al.]. - McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. - 1404 p.

10. Кулаков, В. И. Акушерский травматизм мягких тканей родовых путей / В. И. Кулаков, Е. А. Бутова. - М.: Мед. информ. агентство, 2003. - 128 с.

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14. Бодяжина, В. И. Акушерство: учебник / В. И. Бодяжина, К. Н. Жмакин. - М.: Медицина, 1970. - 544 с.

15. Герасимович, Г. И. Акушерство: учеб. пособие / Г. И. Герасимович. - Минск: Беларусь, 2004. - 815 с.

16. Приказ Мин-ва здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь № 1182 от 09.10.2012 «Клинические протоколы наблюдения беременных, рожениц, родильниц, диагностики и лечения в акушерстве и гинекологии». - Минск, 2012. - 230 с.

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For citations:

Teslova O.A. OBSTETRICAL HEMATOMAS (clinical lecture, part I). Health and Ecology Issues. 2016;(3):4-9. (In Russ.)

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