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Non-compacted myocardium of the left ventricular refers to poorly studied diseases of the heart muscle. According to the WHO classification, it belongs to the category of unclassified cardiomyopathy. It develops in congenital heart disease, neuromuscular pathology, defects of the facial skull and has no specific clinical manifestations. The main signs are heart failure, ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, systemic and pulmonary embolism.

About the Authors

N. V. Nikolayeva
Gomel State Medical University

O. V. Zotova
Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Cardiology»


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For citations:

Nikolayeva N.V., Zotova O.V. NON-COMPACTED MYOCARDIUM OF THE LEFT VENTRICULAR. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(3):93-97. (In Russ.)

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