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The article presents the results of the assessment of functional features of neutrophils in 34 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The study revealed a decrease in absorbing and oxygen producing activity associated with the increased formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) and the dependence of parameters of NET forming activity of white blood cells on the rheumatoid factor, as well as the dependence of spontaneous oxygen producing activity on the functional class and the disease development.

About the Authors

V. V. Zhelezko
Gomel State Medical University

I. A. Novikova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Zhelezko V.V., Novikova I.A. THE FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF NEUTROPHILS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(3):50-54. (In Russ.)

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