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Objective: to assess the prospects of hydrosonography in diagnosis of various colon pathologies. Material and methods. We examined 107 patients and used the diagnostic medium based on starch and salt for the study. The results were compared with data of X-ray barium enema and fibrocolonoscopy. Results. Hydrosonography was shown to be highly informative in detection of causes of extraorganic compression, in diagnosis of mucocele of the appendix, formations larger than 1 cm in patients with colon abnormalities. The study was low-informative in diagnosis of inflammatory catarrhal illnesses and functional colon disorders in the presence of focal pathology up to 1 cm. Conclusion. Hydrosonography can not be considered as a screening method for the diagnosis of colon pathology. The decision about the necessity to conduct this study should be taken in conference with radiologists, endoscopists and sonographers.

About the Authors

N. V. Tishkova
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

V. D. Kuzmin
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology


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For citations:

Tishkova N.V., Kuzmin V.D. THE PROSPECTS OF HYDROSONOGRAPHY IN DIAGNOSIS OF COLON PATHOLOGY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(3):29-33. (In Russ.)

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