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Purpose: to analyze achievements and prospects of the application of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Material and methods. We performed analytical review of national and foreign literature, Internet resources in PubMed and others dealing with the apоplication of stem cells in regenerative medicine. Results. Rich experience of experimental and clinical application of stem cells in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine, hematological, autoimmune, traumatological, and other diseases has been gained by now. Conclusion. Notwithstanding the success and achievements in regenerative medicine during the recent years, a lot of problems and questions remain unsolved. The application of both embryonic stem cells and postnatal stem cells has its pros and cons. The exact mechanism of the effect of transplanted stem cells remains unclear. It is necessary to study long-term effects of stem cell therapy (in particular, the risk of oncogenesis).

About the Authors

A. N. Lyzikov
Gomel State Medical University

B. B. Osipov
Gomel State Medical University

A. G. Skuratov
Gomel State Medical University

A. A. Prizentsov
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Lyzikov A.N., Osipov B.B., Skuratov A.G., Prizentsov A.A. STEM CELLS IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2015;(3):4-8. (In Russ.)

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