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Ultrasonic examination is an important diagnostic tool. At present, there are significant reserves of sonography enhancement in medical institutions of any level, which provides the application of the quality assurance system. The use of the methods of quality assurance in a varying degree makes it possible to improve diagnosis and to enlarge the possibilities of echography. The problems of quality assurance are becoming more and more topical in the service of radiation diagnostics of the Republic of Belarus. The application of the monitoring quality system of the ultrasonic equipment and work stages will guarantee diagnostic research of high quality, and also the maximum safety of the personnel and patients. The aim of the publication is to attract attention to the necessity of sonographic examination enhancement, acquaintance with the system of echography quality assurance according to the international standards.

About the Author

N. M. Yermolitsky
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Yermolitsky N.M. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF ECHOGRAPHY (literature review). Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(3):11-14. (In Russ.)

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