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Modified Polypropylene Endoprosthesis for Hernia Repair: Experimental Assessment of the Efficiency of its Application


Objective: to assess the biological properties of a modified polypropylene endoprosthesis for hernia repair. Material and methods. The object of the study was polycaprolactone-modified mesh endoprostheses for hernia repair implanted in experimental animals. Results. During the study it was determined that the implanted modified endoprostheses caused more pronounced proliferation of fibroblasts and formation of connective tissue in comparison with the control group of implants. It should be also noted that there were more inert general biological reactions from the surrounding tissues.

About the Authors

V. V. Bereschenko
Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»

E. A. Nadyrov
Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»

A. N. Lyzikov
Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»

D. R. Petrenev
Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»

A. N. Kondrachuk
Учреждение образования «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»


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For citations:

Bereschenko V.V., Nadyrov E.A., Lyzikov A.N., Petrenev D.R., Kondrachuk A.N. Modified Polypropylene Endoprosthesis for Hernia Repair: Experimental Assessment of the Efficiency of its Application. Health and Ecology Issues. 2019;(1):107-112. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)