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Organization of Medical Care at the Vascular Surgery of Pre-Stroke Disorders and Emergency Neurosurgical Care Ward


The article analyses the organization and results of the activities of the Vascular Surgery of Pre-Stroke Disorders and Emergency Neurosurgical Care Ward, founded at Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital of the Disabled of World War II in 2015, to provide medical care to patients with vascular pathology. It gives the data on the bed fund, staffing and personnel potential of the ward, facilities for complex and high tech surgery, lists modern methods applied in the treatment of patients with vascular disorders. The article summarizes the prospects of the treatment and rehabilitation of this category of patients at the new ward taking into account the experience which has been accumulated for the past three years of its existence.

About the Author

O. A. Ivantsov
Учреждение «Гомельский областной клинический госпиталь инвалидов Отечественной войны»


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For citations:

Ivantsov O.A. Organization of Medical Care at the Vascular Surgery of Pre-Stroke Disorders and Emergency Neurosurgical Care Ward. Health and Ecology Issues. 2019;(1):85-89. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)