Author Guidelines
The editors of the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" asks the authors to observe the following rules:
- General Provisions
- Articles should be written at a high scientific and methodological level, taking into account the requirements of international nomenclatures, reflect current problems, contain new scientific information, practical recommendations. When describing research methods, it is necessary to report on compliance with the rules for carrying out work with the use of experimental animals.
- It is not allowed to send to the editorial office previously published or already accepted for publication in other publications.
- The article is provided in Russian or English.
- It is forbidden to post information in the articles that allows identifying the patient's identity. The photographs provided must not reveal the identity of the patient. Authors should inform patients (parents, guardians) about the possible publication of materials highlighting the features of his / her disease and the methods of diagnosis and treatment used, about guarantees of confidentiality when posting them in print and electronic publications, and also that after publication they will available on the Internet.
- When describing experiments on animals, authors are obliged to place in the article information on the compliance of the maintenance and use of laboratory animals during the study with international, national rules or rules for the ethical treatment of animals of the institution in which the work was performed.
- Statistical processing of data using modern methods is mandatory.
- Requirements for manuscript formatting
- The title of the article, initials and surnames of the authors, institution, structured abstract, keywords, conflict of interest, source of funding, information about authors, description of the article for citation and address for correspondence should be provided in Russian and English.
- The article should use only generally accepted symbols and abbreviations. If it is necessary to use them, the abbreviation in the text must be deciphered at the first mention (this also applies to the summary). Abbreviations in the name should only be used when absolutely necessary. Journal titles are abbreviated according to Index Medicus. All quantities are expressed in International System (SI) units. Only international non-proprietary names of medicines are used.
- In tables, graphs and diagrams, all numbers and percentages must be carefully verified by the author and correspond to the numbers in the text. In the text, you must indicate their place and serial number. All tables, graphs and diagrams must have titles.
- The amount of graphic material should be minimal. Illustrations (photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams) should be designated as drawings and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. Articles illustrated with black and white (with shades of gray) drawings of high quality are accepted for publication in the journal. Photos, photocopies from radiographs in a positive image must be submitted in electronic form, recorded in one of the formats, preferably TIFF, JPG, PSD. The captions to the micrographs indicate the magnification (eyepiece, objective) and the method of painting or impregnating the material.
- The volume of the original article, including figures, tables, an index of literature is 8-10 pages (at least 14,000 printed characters, including spaces between words, punctuation marks, numbers, etc.), scientific reviews and lectures - up to 15 pages.
- The article should be printed on one side of the sheet in 2 copies .
- The electronic version of the article must be created using a text editor Microsoft Word version 97 or higher. An electronic document must have the extension .doc and have a title containing the author's surname and initials and the title of the article (for example: Ivanov AA Article title.doc). If an electronic version is provided on a disc, the inscription on the disc must also contain the author's surname and initials and the title of the article.
- The following document formatting is required:
- sheet orientation: portrait;
- format: A4;
- margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm;
- font: Times New Roman;
- font size for the entire article, except tables: 14 pt;
- font size for tables, information about the affiliation of authors: 12 pt;
- line spacing: 1.5;
- alignment: to the width of the page;
- indentation: 1.25 cm (without using the "Tab" or "Space" keys);
Not allowed:
- the use of automatic and manual transfers;
- automatic and manual page numbering;
- use of page breaks in the text;
- use of automatic pagination links;
- using a sparse or condensed letter spacing.
- The structure of the article.
The document should consist of the following parts: - Article title.
The title of the article should be as short, informative as possible and accurately define the content of the article.
- Authors.
Here indicate: the initials and surnames of the authors; the name of the institution that provided the article.
If the authors are from different institutions, then the name of each author and the institution in which he (she) works must be provided with the same numeric index;
- Summary.
The abstract should briefly (100-150 words) outline the problem. The abstract should consist of the following sections:
- "Purpose of the study";
- "Materials and methods";
- "Results and discussion";
- "Conclusion".
- Keywords.
Keywords are listed according to the Index Medicus Medical Subject Heading list. Quantity - no more than 8.
- Authors' contributions.
In this section, it is necessary to indicate the share participation of each author in writing the article, i.e. in which of the stages of creating the article each of its authors took part: the concept and design of the study, collection and processing of material, statistical data processing, text writing, editing, approval the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article, work with scientific literature, etc.
- Conflict of interest.
The article should indicate a real or potential conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, then it should be written that "the author declares no conflict of interest."
- Source of financing.
If the research and / or preparation of the article had financial support, it is necessary to indicate the source of funding. If there was no financial support, it is necessary to indicate its absence.
- Full article description for citation.
The description must contain the initials and surnames of all authors. (see sample manuscript).
- Full text of the article.
It is printed with the mandatory emphasis of the following sections:
- "Introduction" - provides a description of the problem, a brief review of the literature on this topic, indicating previously unsolved issues;
- "Purpose of work / research" - in this section, the purpose of the work should be formulated and justified;
- "Materials and methods";
- "Results and discussion" - the results obtained should be discussed in terms of their scientific novelty, advantages and application possibilities (if necessary, the limits of applicability of the results obtained should also be indicated and compared with the relevant data);
- "Conclusion" - should contain clearly formulated conclusions.
- "Literature / References". An example of bibliography formatting can be found here .
- The list of used literature is drawn up in accordance with Vancouver Style (style of Vancouver) according to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) for conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work in medical journals.
- Links are numbered according to the citation order in the text. Reference numbers must be written inside square brackets (for example: [1,2]).
- It is advisable to cite no more than 15 sources in original articles, and no more than 20 in literature reviews and lectures.
- The article is not allowed to use: links to the abstracts of dissertations or dissertations themselves; links to educational publications; links to dictionaries, encyclopedias, other reference books; links to reports, reports, notes, reports, minutes.
- Links to abstracts and articles in small-circulation regional collections can be used only when absolutely necessary, if they are available and found by search engines on the Internet.
- Adhering to the norms of scientific ethics, the percentage of self-citation should not exceed 10-12% (links to publications of the author (s) of the article and links to articles in the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology").
- Required in the article are links to the latest sources on this topic to foreign publications from journals included in international citation databases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) with a large number of citations.
- Links to magazine articles must contain DOI or URL.
- The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references, and the accuracy of citing the original sources. In order to minimize the incompleteness or inaccuracy of information in the cited references, the editorial board compulsorily checks all references.
- The list of references should be submitted in two versions: REFERENCES and REFERENCES. In the LITERATURE section - the list is drawn up in the original language (Russian-language sources in Cyrillic, English-language in Latin).
- In the section - REFERENCES, the same list of references is drawn up in the Roman alphabet for international databases, repeating all sources of literature in it. English-language sources are indicated in the original language. Russian-language sources are presented in Latin, i.e. in transliteration.
- For transliteration of Russian-language sources, it is recommended to use the website, BGN standard, while maintaining the style of the Russian-language source). At the very end, an indication of the original language of the publication (In Russ) is placed in parentheses.
- Names of authors, editors, etc. indicated in transliteration according to ORCID.
- The DOI or URL is placed at the end of the source description. A sample design: (The period is not put at the end. The hyperlink is written in text).
- The names of the sources are in italics. All words in the source are capitalized, with the exception of prepositions.
- Description of domestic journals is indicated in full, without abbreviation, descriptions of foreign journals - must correspond to the style of PubMed or MEDLINE.
- When describing sources in transliteration, one should take into account the peculiarities: volume "T.", number "No.", page "p." - replace with "Vol.", "No.", "p." respectively; publisher names are transliterated rather than translated, for example: “Nauka Publ.”, “Vostochnaya literature Publ.
- The names of the place of publication must be indicated in full: not “M.”, but “Moscow”; not "SPb", but "St. Petersburg ", etc.
- Information about authors.
For each author, the following must be indicated:
- surname, initials ( important: the surname, initials of the author in Latin are given in accordance with the ORCID * identifier );
- academic degrees, titles;
- positions;
- place of work (name of institution, department, department);
- e-mail;
- personal ORCID identifier ( important: in the absence of an ORCID identifier, each author must obtain it by registering on the website: with the obligatory indication of the surname and first name in the Latin alphabet).
- Address for correspondence.
The full name and e-mail address of the author with whom editorial correspondence should be carried out is indicated.
- Manuscript direction
- It is obligatory to provide materials in electronic form in compliance with the above rules.
- The article must be carefully edited and verified. The manuscript must be endorsed by all authors. This means that all authors take responsibility for the content of the publication. A visa for the head of the department is required.
- The authors are responsible for the correctness of the data presented. In exceptional cases, to assess the reliability of the results, the editorial office may request copies of documents confirming the submitted materials.
- Mandatory availability of a report (extract) on the verification of the publication for borrowing (anti-plagiarism).