- » Aim and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Publication Frequency
- » Open Access Policy
- » Archiving
- » Peer-Review
- » Publishing Ethics
- » Founder
- » Author fees
- » Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
- » Plagiarism detection
- » Preprint and postprint Policy
- » Information on informed consent and human and animal rights
- » CrossMark Policy
Aim and Scope
Scientific and practical journal of general medical profile, publishing articles, reviews, lectures, research, reviews and scientific works of scientists of the Gomel State Medical University, scientists of Belarus, CIS countries, as well as articles and scientific works of a wide range of coverage in modern medicine by scientists from foreign countries.
The journal assists in the development of innovative, fundamental and applied research in preventive and clinical medicine, the promotion of their results in the practice of science and health care, in accordance with the list of priority areas of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus and world trends in the development of science and higher medical education.
The main tasks of the journal:
- development of preventive and environmental directions in medicine and health care;
- regular and timely informing the medical community about the latest achievements and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign biomedical science and health care;
- improving the scientific knowledge of medical personnel, improving the qualifications of practicing doctors and healthcare organizers;
- popularization and propaganda of the achievements of science and healthcare workers of the Republic of Belarus in our country and abroad, increasing the competitiveness of domestic scientific developments;
- promoting the widespread introduction of the results of innovative, fundamental and applied research into the practice of science and health care of the Republic of Belarus;
- expansion of interaction between Belarusian and foreign scientists in the field of science and medical education, exchange of views and experience in solving scientific and practical problems between researchers from different regions and states.
Section Policies
Publication Frequency
4 issues per year
Open Access Policy
Health and Environmental Issues provides direct open access to its content in support of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) .
Free open access to the journal's resources on the Internet allows all users to read, download, distribute, copy, print, referring to the full texts of documents. And also to use the materials published in the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" for any other legitimate purpose without first obtaining permission from the publisher or author, with the obligatory preservation of links to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.
The editorial board and editorial board of the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" support the worldwide principle of the scientific community:
- Russian State Library (RSL)
- National Electronic-Information Consortium (NEICON)
Reviewing and publishing rules
- Articles are reviewed by independent experts. Peer reviewers are appointed by the editorial board of the journal. The editors must send reviews to the authors of articles in electronic or written form without specifying the name of the specialist who conducted the review. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author. At the request of expert councils, the editorial board provides copies of reviews to the Higher Attestation Commission.
- Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board and editorial board.
- The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit articles.
- If these rules are violated, articles are not considered. Manuscripts will not be returned.
- A prerequisite for the publication of an article is a receipt (photocopy) of a subscription to the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" of all authors of the article. Copies of receipts for subscription to the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" of each author of the article should be attached to the article.
- Scientific articles of graduate students of the last year of study (including articles prepared by them in co-authorship), subject to their full compliance with the requirements of the editors, are published out of turn.
Publishing Ethics
General information
The editorial staff, editorial board, editorial board of the scientific and practical journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" follow the ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community and prevent any violations of these standards.
In their activities, the editorial staff, editorial board and publisher of the journal rely on the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and, in particular, the Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit .
The principles of ethical conduct presented below are mandatory for all parties involved in writing and publishing an article: author (s), reviewers, editorial staff, editorial board and publisher of the journal.
Compliance with the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants in this process contributes to ensuring the rights of authors to intellectual property, improving the quality of publications in the eyes of the world scientific community, excluding the possibility of illegal use of copyright materials in the interests of individuals.
Author's ethics
The authors are personally responsible for the provided manuscript text, which is expressed in compliance with the following rules:
- the original manuscript must be submitted to the journal, which has not been sent to another journal, is not currently under consideration, has not been previously published in another journal;
- the results of the research presented in the manuscript must be an independent and original work. Excessive borrowing, plagiarism in any form is unethical and unacceptable;
- it is necessary to provide reliable results on the work done or research;
- it is necessary to note the contribution of all persons who, in one way or another, influenced the course of the research or determined the nature of the scientific work presented. In particular, the article should contain bibliographic references to Russian-language and foreign publications that were important in the study;
- the co-authors of the article must indicate all persons who have made a significant intellectual contribution to its concept, structure, as well as to the conduct or interpretation of the results of the presented work;
- the co-authors of the article must indicate all persons who have made a significant intellectual contribution to its concept, structure, as well as to the conduct or interpretation of the results of the presented work;
- If significant errors or inaccuracies are found in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, it is necessary to immediately notify the editorial board of the journal and take a joint decision to acknowledge the error and / or correct it as soon as possible. If the editorial board of the journal learns from a third party that the published work contains significant errors, the author is obliged to immediately remove or correct them, or provide the editorial board with proof of the correctness of the information provided by him;
- all sources of funding for the work must be indicated;
- Authors are required to declare a possible conflict of interest that may affect the research results, their interpretation, and the judgments of the reviewers.
Review ethics
- the reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the copyright materials, his actions must be impartial, consisting in observing the following rules:
- peer review should help the author improve the quality of the article text, and the editor-in-chief should make a decision on publication;
- a reviewer who does not consider himself to be a specialist in the field of the subject of the article or knows that he will not be able to submit a review of the article in a timely manner, must notify the editor-in-chief of this and withdraw from the review process;
- the reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the peer-reviewed work, as well as scientific advisers of the degree seekers and / or employees of the department in which the author works;
- any manuscript received from the editors for review is a confidential document. It cannot be discussed with other persons, with the exception of persons indicated by the chief editor;
- the reviewer must be objective. Personal comments to the author are inadmissible. The reviewer must express his opinion clearly and reasonably;
- The reviewer should draw the attention of the editor-in-chief to significant similarity or partial coincidence of the reviewed article with any other previously published.
Editorial ethics
In their activities, the editorial staff and members of the editorial board of the journal are responsible for the publication of works of authorship, which entails the need to follow the following rules:
- implementation of an independent policy of selection and publication of scientific and practical research materials;
- guaranteeing the compliance of published materials with accepted international standards and ethical principles;
- implementation of work to improve the journal to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of readers and authors;
- collaboration with authors and reviewers to ensure the high quality of published material;
- Acceptance or rejection of a work for publication must be based on its importance, originality, clarity and relevance of the research, taking into account the intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship or political views of the author;
- ensuring the publication of materials reflecting different scientific points of view, with the right to reduce published materials, editorial revisions, and their adaptation to the headings of the journal;
- acknowledgment of mistakes and, if necessary, publication of corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies.
- The editor-in-chief of the journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" is responsible for deciding on the publication of the works submitted to the editorial office, determining the reliability and importance of the work for researchers and readers, compliance with legal requirements (copyright infringement, plagiarism, libel). When deciding on a publication, the editor-in-chief consults with members of the editorial board or reviewers.
Publishing Ethics
In its activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which entails the need to follow the following rules:
- assistance in the performance of ethical duties by the editorial staff, editorial board, reviewers and authors in accordance with these requirements;
- providing support to the editorial staff of the journal in considering complaints about ethical aspects of published materials and assistance in interaction with other journals and / or publishers, if this contributes to the fulfillment of the duties of editors;
- ensuring the confidentiality of any information received from the authors of the publication until the moment of its publication;
- willingness to publish corrections, clarifications, denials and apologies when necessary;
- providing the editorial staff of the journal with the possibility of excluding publications containing plagiarism and inaccurate data.
Gomel State Medical University
Mailing Address: st. Lange, 5, Gomel, 246000, Republic of Belarus
Tel: + 375 (232) 35-97-00
E-mail: gsmu@gsmu.by
Web: www.gsmu.by
Author fees
Publication in “Problems of Health and Ecology" is free of charge for all the authors.
The journal doesn't have any Article processing charges.
The journal doesn't have any Article submission charges.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Plagiarism detection
“Problems of Health and Ecology" use native russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Preprint and postprint Policy
Prior to acceptance and publication in “Problems of Health and Ecology", authors may make their submissions available as preprints on personal or public websites.
As part of submission process, authors are required to confirm that the submission has not been previously published, nor has been submitted. After a manuscript has been published in “Problems of Health and Ecology" we suggest that the link to the article on journal's website is used when the article is shared on personal or public websites.
Glossary (by SHERPA)
Information on informed consent and human and animal rights
In its work, the scientific and practical journal "Problems of Health and Ecology" is based on the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects) and seeks to ensure compliance with ethical standards and rules for collecting data for research that are conducted with the participation of people. (World Medical Association WMA ).
Human medical research should be in accordance with generally accepted scientific principles and based on maximum knowledge of the scientific literature, other relevant sources of information, and the results of appropriately conducted laboratory tests and, where applicable, animal studies. It is also necessary to show humanity towards the animals used in the research.
Before starting the research, the scientist should familiarize himself with the provisions on informed consent of the Declaration of Helsinki and conduct the research in strict accordance with the principles set out below (the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki 25-32 are given):
- 25. The participation of persons capable of giving informed consent as research subjects should be voluntary. Although in some cases it may be appropriate to consult with relatives or leaders of a social group, no person with consent can be included in the study unless they have given their own voluntary consent.
- 26. In a medical research involving individuals capable of giving informed consent as research subjects, each potential subject should receive sufficient information about the goals, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of interest, affiliation with any organizations, expected benefits and potential risks , the inconveniences that may arise from participation in the study, the conditions after the end of the study, and any other significant aspects of the study A potential research subject must be informed of his right to refuse to participate in the research or withdraw his consent to participate at any time without any adverse consequences for himself.
- 27. In obtaining informed consent to participate in a study, the physician should exercise particular caution in cases where a potential subject is dependent on the physician or may consent under duress. In such cases, informed consent must be obtained by a suitably qualified person who is completely independent of this type of relationship.
- 28. If a potential research subject is a person who is unable to give informed consent, the physician should obtain the informed consent of his legal representative. Such individuals should not be included in research that is not likely to be of benefit to them, unless such research is carried out in order to improve the provision of medical care to a group of people of which the potential subject is a representative, cannot be replaced by research on individuals, and is also related only with minimal risks and inconveniences.
- 29. If a potential subject determined to be unable to give informed consent is nevertheless capable of expressing his own attitude towards participation in the study, the physician should seek his opinion in addition to the consent of his legal representative. The potential subject's disagreement must be taken into account.
- 30. Research involving subjects who are unable to consent, such as unconscious patients, may be conducted physically or mentally, which is a physical or mental condition that precludes obtaining informed consent is an inherent characteristic of the study group. In such cases, the physician should seek informed consent from the legal representative. If such a representative is not available, and if the patient's inclusion cannot be delayed, only on condition that it is carried out without obtaining informed consent, provided that specific reasons for including subjects in a study in a state that precludes the provision of informed consent, the study may be specified in the study protocol. and the conduct of the study was approved by the ethics committee.
- 31. The physician must provide the patient with complete information about which aspects of the treatment are related to the study. The patient's refusal to participate in the study or the decision to withdraw from the study should not affect the patient's relationship with the doctor.
- 32. In medical research of materials or data that can be identified by the person from whom they were obtained, for example, when researching materials or data contained in biobanks or similar repositories, the doctor must obtain informed consent to receive, store and / or reuse such materials. and data. There may be exceptions where obtaining consent for such research is impossible or impractical. In such cases, research may only be conducted after review and approval by the ethics committee.
When presenting the results of experimental studies in humans, authors should indicate whether the procedures performed were in accordance with the ethical standards prescribed in the Declaration of Helsinki. If the research was conducted without regard to the principles of the Declaration, authors should justify the chosen approach to conducting the research and ensure that the ethics committee of the organization in which the research was conducted endorses the chosen approach.
Ethical aspects of the use of animals in medical research.
When describing experiments on animals, authors are obliged to place in the article information on the compliance of the maintenance and use of laboratory animals during the study with international, national rules or rules for the ethical treatment of animals of the institution in which the work was performed.
CrossMark Policy
CrossMark is a multi-publisher initiative from Crossref, provides a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of an article or other published content. By applying the CrossMark logo, journal “Problems of Health and Ecology"is committing to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes if and when they occur.
Clicking the CrossMark logo on a document will tell you its current status and may also give you additional publication-record information about the document.