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The goal of the given investigation was to study the effectiveness of adsorption therapy applied to treat and prevent atherosclerosis. The kinetics of cholesterol adsorption from water-alcohol solutions prepared by ultrasonic degradation method was under study. Activated carbon and micro cellulose wide applied in medicine as entero- and hemosorbents were used to bind and remove cholesterol from model solutions. In order to give quantitative description for the adsorption process the rate constants of adsorption and desorption, the equilibrium constant of adsorption, the maximum adsorption and the degree of cholesterol excretion were calculated. The studying of calcium, magnesium, copper and ascorbic acid adsorption at activated carbon and micro cellulose made it possible to appreciate the side effects of adsorption therapy. The investigation revealed that effectiveness of activated carbon for treating and preventing atherosclerosis is greater than that of micro cellulose.

About the Authors

A. V. Lysenkova
Gomel State Medical University

V. A. Philippova
Gomel State Medical University

L. V. Prischepova
Gomel State Medical University

M. V. Odintsova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Lysenkova A.V., Philippova V.A., Prischepova L.V., Odintsova M.V. THEORETICAL BASES OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS’ ADSORPTIONAL THERAPY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(1):101-104. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)