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The variability of N-acetyltransferase phenotype by 129 Caucasoids, citizens of Gomel and Gomel region has been studied. The phenotype of acetylation has been estimated at the ratio of concentrations of acetylated and free isoniazids, which have been determined by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The presence of trymodal distribution of the acetylated phenotype has been determined. The ratio of slow and quick acetylators in the population makes 66 and 34 % correspondingly. The statistic interaction of the acetylated phenotype has not been proved neither with sex (τ = -0,047, р = 0,42) or age (τ = -0,004, р = 0,94), nor with body weight (τ = -0,01, р = 0,86) and the examined volunteers` addiction to smoking (τ = -0,112, р = 0,08).

About the Authors

T. V. Satyrova
Gomel State Medical University

E. I. Mihailova
Gomel State Medical University

A. N. Osipenko
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina

N. B. Osipenko
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina

M. N. Vasenda
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina


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For citations:

Satyrova T.V., Mihailova E.I., Osipenko A.N., Osipenko N.B., Vasenda M.N. VARIABILITY OF N-ACETYLTRANSFERASE PHENOTYPE IN THE CITIZENS OF GOMEL AND GOMEL REGION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2010;(1):73-77. (In Russ.)

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