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Influence of the elimination of changhing risk factors on vasoactive properties of the vessels endothelium AT children and adolescens with vegetative dYsfunction


The worsening of endothelium dependent vasodilation, antioxidate protection and increasing aggregation of platelets at children and adolescens with vegetative dysfunction and risk factors of atherosclerosis (n = 136) in contrast with given factors in the group healthy children and teenagers (n = 190) were revealed. The elimination of changing risk factors of atherosclerosis (smoking, stress, hypodynamia, atherogenic diet, etc) alongside traditional treatment with 12 monthes of rehabilitation the ill children the studing parameters at low and average level of the risk factors of atherosclerosis normalized and only partial сhanged at high level one.

About the Authors

N. A. Maksimovich
Grodno State Medical University

L. M. Belyaeva
Grodno State Medical University

T. A. Laschkovskaj
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

A. I. Kizelevich
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

V. V. Zynchuk
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

N. Ye. Maksimovich
Grodno Regional Children Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Maksimovich N.A., Belyaeva L.M., Laschkovskaj T.A., Kizelevich A.I., Zynchuk V.V., Maksimovich N.Ye. Influence of the elimination of changhing risk factors on vasoactive properties of the vessels endothelium AT children and adolescens with vegetative dYsfunction. Health and Ecology Issues. 2009;(4):53-58. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
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