Influence of the elimination of changhing risk factors on vasoactive properties of the vessels endothelium AT children and adolescens with vegetative dYsfunction
About the Authors
N. A. MaksimovichBelarus
L. M. Belyaeva
T. A. Laschkovskaj
A. I. Kizelevich
V. V. Zynchuk
N. Ye. Maksimovich
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For citations:
Maksimovich N.A., Belyaeva L.M., Laschkovskaj T.A., Kizelevich A.I., Zynchuk V.V., Maksimovich N.Ye. Influence of the elimination of changhing risk factors on vasoactive properties of the vessels endothelium AT children and adolescens with vegetative dYsfunction. Health and Ecology Issues. 2009;(4):53-58. (In Russ.)