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In this study trends in age-adjasted, sex-specific mortality due to ischaemic heat disease and suicide rates (as a proxy for psychosocial distress) from 1981 to 2004 in Belarus were analyzed in order to asses bivariate relationship between the two time series. The results of the time series analysis indicates the presence of a statistically significant association between the two time series for the all male age groups (aside the group 75+) and for the female age groups 30-44 and 45-59 years. The results of present study provided support for the hypothesis that psychosocial distress was the main determinant in the ischaemic heat disease mortality crisis in Belarus in the yearly 1990s.

About the Author

Y. E. Razvodovskky
Grodno State Medical University


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For citations:

Razvodovskky Y.E. PSYCHOSOCIAL DISTRESS AS A RISK FACTOR OF MORTALITY DUE TO ISCHAEMIC HEAT DISEASE. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(4):132-138. (In Russ.)

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