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Conformities to the law of development relapses and metastases are analysed at 110 patients by the locally widespread gastric cancer (LWGC) after surgical and complex treatment. The basic display of generalization the tumour was peritoneal dissemination. Lymhatic metastasis was observed also often enough, in most cases combining with peritoneal dissemination. Loca-gional a relapse often comes to light at patients with LWGC IV stage (T4N1-3M0), he arose up for 42 % patients. Local relapse at patients with LWGC stage IV more frequent than all develops the stage (T4N1-3M0) in area of esophago-enterostomy in 67 % (8/12) patients after implementation of gastrectomy. Conducting adjuvant chemio-radiotherapy (ACRT) at that patients provides the high degree of local control the tumour process, appearance of local relapse for these patients was not observed, then, as in the comparison groups it was exposed at 12 % (5/41) and 21 % (7/33) patients accordingly from the studied localization of relapse.

About the Author

A. K. Al-Yahairi
Gomel State Medical University; Gomel Regional Clinical Oncological Centre


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For citations:

Al-Yahairi A.K. THE DEVELOPMENT OF rELAPSE REGULARITY OF STOMACH CANCER SPREAD LOCALY. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(4):59-65. (In Russ.)

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