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Hospital mortality in patients with severe acute pancreatitis remains high. Some of these patients develop increased intra-abdominal pressure which may contribute to organ dysfunction. The review explores the challenges in diagnosis, pathophysiology, and recent concepts in the treatment of abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with acute pancreatitis.

About the Authors

A. A. Litvin
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

A. O. Al-Daosari
Gomel State Medical University

L. A. Mauda Shadi
Gomel State Medical University

G. A. Senchuk
Gomel State Medical University

A. M. Ali Abdulaziz
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Litvin A.A., Al-Daosari A.O., Mauda Shadi L.A., Senchuk G.A., Ali Abdulaziz A.M. ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PANCREATITIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(3):110-116. (In Russ.)

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