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To use the iodinated salt and foodstuff enriched by iodine have allowed practically on population level to eliminate deficit of microelement in nutrition the population of Belarus Republic. For further successful realization of the State program directed to lowering IDS propagation and ensuring steady biological monitoring to provide the population with iodine, under present-day level of iodine content in the nutrition chains it is possible to use more accessible for wide using in practical public health less sensible the alternative cerium-arsenite methods which allow to evaluate the individual and population indices of ioduria, to optimize the provision with iodine of various age groups of the region’s population of Belarus Republic, to raise the economic expediency and effectiveness of developing the prophylactic program.

About the Authors

I. V. Yablonckaya
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin

V. V. Valetov
Belarussian Medical Academy of Post-graduation Education

V. N. Bortnovski
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Yablonckaya I.V., Valetov V.V., Bortnovski V.N. AMENITYIES OF USING MONITORING ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF IODURIA IN BELARUS REPUBLIC. Health and Ecology Issues. 2008;(3):7-10. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)