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The significance of plasma procalcitonin concentration for the differential of sterile and infected pancreatic necrosis was evaluated. Twenty-five patients with acute severe pancreatitis were examined. Plasma procalcitonin concentrations were notably increased in patients with infected pancreatic necrosis. These data indicate that measurement of procalcitonin concentration is the optimal laboratory test for the differential diagnosis of sterile and infected pancreatic necrosis.

About the Authors

L. A. Mauda Shadi
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

A. A. Litvin
Gomel State Medical University

O. G. Jarikov
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

G. A. Senchuk
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Mauda Shadi L.A., Litvin A.A., Jarikov O.G., Senchuk G.A. USE OF THE PROCALCITONIN TEST FOR DIAGNOSTICS OF INFECTED PANCREATIC NECROSIS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2007;(4):30-34. (In Russ.)

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