The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction for diagnostics of hepatitis C virus (HCV-) infection
The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in diagnostics of hepatitis C virus (HCV-) infection. The sera samples from 500 of patients with acute and chronic forms of HCV-infection were tested by means of PCR and EIA (anti-HCV total and IgM in 35 of patients). PCR positive results were seen in 83% of patients and more often revealed in those patients with elevated ALT levels (χ2 = 25.01; р = 0.0001). Both PCR and EIA positive results were in 81.8% of patients, both negative - in 0.4%. In 17.8% of cases results of PCR and EIA didn’t agree. In patients with anti-HCV IgM positive, HCV RNA were revealed more often than in those anti-HCV IgM negative (p = 0.009). Sensitivity of the anti-HCV IgM test in comparison with PCR was evaluated 51.9%, specificity - 100%. Detection of antibodies to HCV class IgM can be applied for an estimation of increased replicative activity of HCV. The use of both methods (EIA and PCR) allows improving HCV-infection diagnostics.
About the Authors
V. M. MitsuraBelarus
O. V. Panteleeva
S. V. Zhavoronok
E. L. Krasavtsev
I. L. Pavlovich
A. V. Voropaeva
Al-Shabi A. Al-Khansa
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For citations:
Mitsura V.M., Panteleeva O.V., Zhavoronok S.V., Krasavtsev E.L., Pavlovich I.L., Voropaeva A.V., Al-Khansa A.A. The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction for diagnostics of hepatitis C virus (HCV-) infection. Health and Ecology Issues. 2006;(4):131-134. (In Russ.)