
Health and Ecology Issues

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Distribution137Cs on bodies and tissues of wild piqs which inhabit the territory of National park «Pripyatsky»


The results of radionuclides contents in soil, organs and tissues of wild animals which inhabit the territory of National Park «Pripyatsky» are presented. These results are a basis for more details research of the levels of radionuclides contamination of the different components of the ecosystem of National Park for future development of tourism and economic activity.

About the Authors

A. V. Uglyanets
National Park «Pripyatsky»

V. P. Kudrjashov
National Park «Pripyatsky»

N. N. Bashanova
National Park «Pripyatsky»

R. A. Korol
Institute of radiobiology of a National Academy of sciences of Belarus

V. A. Bashanov
Institute of radiobiology of a National Academy of sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Uglyanets A.V., Kudrjashov V.P., Bashanova N.N., Korol R.A., Bashanov V.A. Distribution137Cs on bodies and tissues of wild piqs which inhabit the territory of National park «Pripyatsky». Health and Ecology Issues. 2006;(2):128-133. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)